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While developing its Build Preparation Software for jetting technologies, AMIS discovered a myriad of opportunities to improve the workflow for HP MJF users. It’s a story of uncovering - sometimes unknown - needs and requirements.
In the last couple of months, while perfectioning its Build Preparation Software, AMIS has spoken to multiple MJF users. At first, it was just part-of-the-job: MJF is one of many technologies that can benefit from the AMIS software, so it was only logical to talk to MJF-users, amongst others.
However, it soon appeared that AMIS is particularly suited to enhance the build preparation workflow for these print service companies. Most MJF users were quite satisfied with their current solution – or combination of software to come to a solution. That is: until you start digging, together.
In the end, the steps in the process aren’t endless. In brief: you load parts, duly position and nest them, and send the resulting batch to a printer. Without downplaying the complexity behind it, AMIS was surprised to see the number of manipulations needed, the lack of automation and the time the process consumed, even to come to just “acceptable” results.
Indeed, the whole process now quite often includes waiting for ‘reasonable’ nestings, scrolling through endless lists of parts, restarting the process when new parts need priority or the binder evolution isn’t optimal… Or sometimes just part-by-part entering the same “Ctrl+something” for ten minutes.

“We see users applying different solutions – sometimes very creative – in order to come to a more or less structured build preparation workflow”. Says Kris Binon, Managing Director at AMIS. “and we ‘ve seen end-users spending up to half an hour - and more - to prepare a decent build.”
“This surprising finding is in stark contrast with the long-standing Cost Per Part (CPP) reduction focus”, adds Nick De Roeck, AMIS CEO. “As a production company, the difference between break-even and profit is often in the last 10% improvements. We proved there was some more low-hanging fruit than previously expected.”

Indeed, with the first tests at multiple MJF-users, AMIS proved that there was “room for improvement”.
See it by yourself? Contact us for an appointment/demo at any time, or meet our team at Formnext – you can book a timeslot here.
* Or you don’t. Same difference!